ANZ Hot Shots is Tennis for kids! It’s a program designed to help every child, no matter their age or ability, jump in and start playing tennis. ANZ Hot Shots is played on smaller courts with modified equipment, including lighter racquets, lower nets and low compression balls that don’t bounce too high. With four fun stages (Blue, Red, Orange and Green), our qualified Coaches will help guide your kids every step of the way.

Semi/private lessons

Accelerate your game with one on one Private Lessons. Our Coaches will fine tune your technique and tailor a program to suit you. This is great for someone new to Tennis or for someone who wants to take their game to the next level.
Semi-Private Lessons (2 on 1) are a cost effective way for more personalised coaching. Similar to private lessons, Coaches will work on the player’s goal; focusing on their technical, tactical and physical game. 


Our Squad program provides professional training atmosphere. The Coaches run a series of high intensity drills which focus heavily on tactics and strategy within match play. We incorporate Tennis-specific fitness training, footwork and game play. This is a great progression from our Hot Shots Program and for those playing competition. We recommend players participate in both squads and an additional weekly lesson.

Holiday Programs

Our Holiday Programs are a fun way to keep kids active during the school holidays. Run during each term break, it’s a great way for kids to try Tennis for the first time or practice their skills in a more intensive setting. We run a range of activities which include skill development in a variation of strokes, fun games and match play.